
Revista Axxón
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Ganadores de los premios Ditmar
(Stardust, Axxón) - Se han anunciado los ganadores de los premios Ditmar de la ciencia ficción australiana de este año, durante la convención delebrada el
pasado fin de semana en Brisbane.
Entre los ganaodres estan la novela de Sean Williams y Shane Dix "Geodesica: Ascent" y relatos de Kaaron Warren en las dos categorías cortas.
Mejor novela
Magic or Madness - Justine Larbalestier, Razorbill (March 17,2005.
Drowned Wednesday - Garth Nix, Harper Collins (May 31, 2005).
Midnight 2: Touching Darkness - Scott Westerfield, Eos (March, 1 2005.
Peeps - Scott Westerfield, Razorbill (August 25, 2005).
Uglies - Scott Westerfield, Simon Pulse (February 8, 2005).
Geodesica: Ascent - Sean Williams & Shane Dix, Ace (January 25, 2005).
Mejor novela corta
Passing of the Minotaurs - Rjurik Davidson, Scifi.com, (April, 2005).
The Red Priest's Homecoming - Dirk Flinhart, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #17.
Countless Screaming Argonauts - Chris Lawson, Realms of Fantasy.
The Memory of Breathing - Lynn Triffitt (Battersby), Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #17.
The Grinding House - Kaaron Warren, The Grinding House, CSFG Publishing.
Mejor cuento
Summa Seltzer Missive - Deborah Biancotti, Ticonderoga Online #6
Leviathan - Simon Brown, Eidolon SF: Online.
Once Giants Roamed the Earth - Rosaleen Love, Daikaju!, Agog Press
Matricide - Lucy Sussex, SciFiction.
Fresh Young Widow - Kaaron Warren, The Grinding House, CSFG Publishing.
Mejor colección
Shadowed Realms - Angela Challis & Shane Jiraiya Cummings, www.shadowedrealms.com.au.
Years Best Australian SF & Fantasy - Bill Congreve & Michelle Marquardt, MirrorDanse.
Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales - Robert Hood & Robin Penn, Agog! Press.
A Tour Guide in Utopia - Lucy Sussex, MirrorDanse Books.
The Grinding House - Kaaron Warren, ed. Donna Maree Hanson, CSFG Publishing.
Mejor trabajo de arte
The Blood Debt (cover) - Greg Bridges, The Blood Debt, Sean Williams (HarperCollins Australia)
The Grinding House (cover) - Robin Evans, The Grinding House, Kaaron Warren, ed. Donna Maree Hanson, CSFG.
Australian Speculative Fiction: A Genre Overview (cover) - Nick Stathopoulos, Australian Speculative Fiction - A Genre Overview; Donna Hanson.
Fell #3 - Ben Templesmith, Image Comics, Warren Ellis, Ben Templesmith
Mejor escritor fan (TBA)
Shane Jiraiya Cummings - Writer/reviewer, Horror Scope.
Bruce Gillespie - Writer/reviewer, Steam Engine Time and Science Fiction Commentary , *brg*, Earl Kemp's magazines>
Stephanie Gunn - Writer/reviewer, Horror Scope.
Martin Livings - Skeletor—Hordak, LiveJournal web comic.
Bill Wright - Interstellar Ramjet Scoop, Published by Bill Wright.
Mejor artista fan
Dick Jenssen - Artwork in American fan Earl Kemp's ezines eI20 (June 2005) and eI23 (Dec 2005), Published via efanzines.com.
Elaine Kemp - ConSensual a Trois interior artwork, ConSensual a Trois, April 2005
Shane Parker - Conflux Poster Art, Conflux
Mejor producción fan
Edwina Harvey - The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet. Website and Newsletter
Alisa Krasnostein - ASif!: Australian Specfic In Focus. http://asif.dreamhosters.com/doku.php
Tony Plank - Inkspillers Website. www.inkspillers.com
Conflux Committee - Conflux 2. Conflux 2 convention
Continuum Committee - Continuum 3. Continuum 3 convention
Mejor Fanzine
Horrorscope - Shane Jiraiya Cummings et. al., ozhorrorscope.blogspot.com
Ticonderoga Online - Russell B Farr website
Interstellar Ramjet Scoop - Bill Wright (ed), Interstellar Ramjet Scoop
Mejor nuevo talento
Lyn Battersby/Triffit
Rjurik Davidson
Karen Miller
Premio al logro profesional
Damien Broderick , Wilson de Silva and Kylie Ahern - COSMOS Magazine, COSMOS magazine
Robert Dobson, Robert Hoge, Kate Eltham, Heather Gammage - Clarion South 2005, Clarion South Workshop
Donna Maree Hanson - Australian Speculative Fiction: a genre overview, Australian Spec. Fiction Project
Michael Rymer - Screenwriting and directing, Battlestar Galactica, Season 2.0 Sci-Fi Channel
Jonathan Strahan - for co-editing Best Short Novels: 2005 (SFBC), Science Fiction: Best of 2004 (ibooks), and Fantasy: Best of 2004 (ibooks)
Premio William Atheling JR
Ferocious Minds: Polymathy and the New Enlightenment - Damien Broderick, Wildside Press
Divided Kingdom: King Kong vs Godzilla - Robert Hood King Kong is Back: Benbella Books
Body Parts - Chris Lawson, Borderlands
PK Dick: The Exhilaration and the Terror - Rosaleen Love, Borderlands
The 2005 Snapshot Australian Speculative Fiction writers, editors, publishers - Ben Peek, http://www.tabula-rasa.info/Snapshot/
Aportado por Eduardo J. Carletti