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Lista de nominaciones a los Premios Aurealis del 2006

Esta es la lista de nominaciones para los Premios Anuales Aurealis #11, entregados en Australia.

Ciencia Ficción


* Hydrogen Steel. K. A. Bedford (Edge)
* K-Machines. Damien Broderick (Avalon)
* Underground. Andrew McGahan (Allen & Unwin)
* Geodesica: Descent. Sean Williams with Shane Dix (Harper Collins)


* Dark Ages. Lee Battersby (Through Soft Air)
* Aftermath. David Conyers (Agog! Ripping Reads)
* Down to the Tethys Sea. Stephen Dedman (Science Fiction Chronicle #266)
* The Seventh Letter. Sean Williams (Bulletin Summer Reading Edition)



* The Silver Road. Grace Dugan (Penguin)
* Heart of the Mirage. Glenda Larke (Harper Collins)
* Wildwood Dancing. Juliet Marillier (Pan MacMillan)
* Voidfarer. Sean McMullen (Tor)
* Blaze of Glory. Michael Pryor (Random House)

Menciones de Honor

* White Tiger. Kylie Chan (Harper Collins)
* Harsh Cry of the Heron. Lian Hearn (Hachette Livre)


* Dark Ages. Lee Battersby (Through Soft Air)
* Why the Balloon Man Floats Away. Stephanie Campisi (Fantasy Magazine #4)
* A Fine Magic. Margo Lanagan (Eidolon I)
* The Revenant. Lucy Sussex (Eidolon I)
* See Here, See There. Anna Tambour (Agog! Ripping Reads)

Menciones de Honor

* Ghosts of 1930. Lily Chrywenstrom (Borderlands #6)
* The Bridal Bier. Carol Ryles (Eidolon I)



* The Pilo Family Circus. Will Elliott (ABC Books)
* Prismatic. Edwina Grey (Lothian)

* Carnies. Martin Livings (Lothian) * The Mother. Brett McBean (Lothian)


* Dead of Winter. Stephen Dedman (Weird Tales #339)
* Winkie. Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
* Hieronymous Boche. Chris Lawson (Eidolon I)
* Dead Sea Fruit. Kaaron Warren (Fantasy Magazine #4)
* Woman Train. Kaaron Warren (The Outcast)

Menciones de Honor

* Love Affair. Jacinta Butterworth (C0ck)
* One Night Stand. Dirk Flinthart (Agog! Ripping Reads)
* Under Hell, Over Heaven. Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
* Mosquito Story.A.M. Muffaz (Fantasy Magazine #4)

Para Jóvenes


* Monster Blood Tattoo: Book One. Foundling. D.M. Cornish (Omnibus)
* The King's Fool. Amanda Holohan (ABC Books)
* Magic Lessons. Justine Larbalestier (Penguin)
* Wildwood Dancing. Juliet Marillier (Pan Macmillan)
* The Last Days. Scott Westerfeld (Penguin)


* The Dying Light. Deborah Biancotti (Eidolon I)
* Leviathan. Simon Brown (Eidolon I)
* A Feather in the Breast of God. Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
* Baby Jane. Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
* Forever Upward. Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
* The Arrival. Shaun Tan (Lothian)

Para Niños


* La lista aún no fue publicada.


* The True Story of Mary Who Wanted to Stand on Her Head. Jane Godwin (Allen & Unwin)
* Woolvs in the Sitee. Margaret Wild, Anne Spudvilas (Penguin)
* The Magic Violin. Victor Kelleher, Stephen Michael King (Penguin)

Fuente: Eidolon Books. Aportado por Eduardo J. Carletti


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