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Premios Aurealis 2007
Presentamos los finalistas de los Premios Aurealis 2007 de la literatura fantástica australiana.
Los ganadores serán anunciados el sábado 28 de enero de 2008, en el marco de la ceremonia de los Premios Aurealis.
La misma se realizará en el Centro de Artes Contemoporáneas Judith Wright, en Brisbane.
Mejor novela de ciencia ficción
- Marianne De Pierres, Dark Space, Orbit
- Jack Heath, Remote Control, Pan Macmillan
- David Kowalski, The Company of the Dead, Pan Macmillan
- Sean Williams, Saturn Returns, Orbit
Mejor cuento de ciencia ficción
- Simon Brown, ‘Lonely as Life", Fantastic Wonder Stories, Ticonderoga Publications
- Penelope Love, ‘Whitey", Shadow Plays, Elise Bunter
- Chris McMahon, ‘The Eyes of Erebus", Daikaiju! 2 – Revenge of the Giant Monsters, Agog!
- Cat Sparks, ‘Arctica", Fantastic Wonder Stories, Ticonderoga Publications
- Cat Sparks, ‘Hollywood Roadkill", On Spec, #69
Mejor novela de fantasía
- Jennifer Fallon, The Gods of Amyrantha, The Tide Lords Book Two, Harper
- Lian Hearn, Heaven"s Net is Wide, Tales of the Otori The First Book, Hachette Livre
- Sylvia Kelso, The Moving Water, Book 2 of the Rihannar Chronicles, Thomson Gale
- Glenda Larke, Song of the Shiver Barrens, The Mirage Makers Book Three, Harper
- Michael Pryor, Heart of Gold, Second Volume of The Laws of Magic, Random House
Mejor cuento de fantasía
- R J Astruc, ‘The Perfume Eater", Strange Horizons, #16
- Adam Browne, ‘An Account of an Experiment by Adam Browne", Orb Speculative Fiction,
- Garth Nix, ‘Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz go to War Again", Jim Baen"s Universe, April
- Angela Slatter, ‘The Angel Wood", Shimmer, November 2006
- Cat Sparks, ‘A Lady of Adestan", Orb Speculative Fiction, #7
Mejor novela de terror
El jurado de esta categoría decidió no seleccionar una lista de obras nominadas. Sin embargo, la novela ganadora se
dará a conocer en la ceremonia de premiación.
Mejor cuento de terror
- Terry Dowling, ‘Toother", Eclipse, #1
- Richard Harland, ‘Special Perceptions", At Ease with the Dead, Ash-Tree Press
- Rick Kennett, ‘The Dark and What It Said", Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine,
- Ben Peek, ‘Black Betty", Lone Star Stories, #23
- Anna Tambour, ‘The Jeweller of Second-Hand Roe", Subterranean, #7
Mejor novela juvenil
- Kate Constable, Taste of Lightning, Allen & Unwin
- Anthony Eaton, Skyfall, UQP
- Juliet Marillier, Cybele"s Secret, Pan Macmillan
- Michael Pryor, Heart of Gold, Second Volume of The Laws of Magic, Random House
- Scott Westerfeld, Extras, Simon Pulse
Mejor cuento juvenil
- Deborah Biancotti, ‘A Scar for Leida", Fantastic Wonder Stories, Ticonderoga
- Shane Jiraiya Cummings, ‘Yamabushi Kaidan and the Smoke Dragon", Fantastic Wonder
Stories, Ticonderoga Publications
- Garth Nix, ‘Bad Luck, Trouble, Death and Vampire Sex", Eclipse, #1
- Garth Nix, ‘Holly and Iron", Dark Alchemy, Allen & Unwin
- Tracey Rolfe, ‘Cast Off", Fantastic Wonder Stories, Ticonderoga Publications
Mejor relato largo infantil (8-12 años)
- Isobelle Carmody, A Mystery of Wolves, Penguin Books
- Kate Forsyth, The Silver Horse, The Chain of Charms 2, Pan Macmillan
- Kate Forsyth, The Herb of Grace, The Chain of Charms 3, Pan Macmillan
- Kate Forsyth, The Cat"s Eye Shell, The Chain of Charms 4, Pan Macmillan
- Kate Forsyth, The Lightning Bolt, The Chain of Charms 5, Pan Macmillan
- Kate Forsyth, The Butterfly in Amber, The Chain of Charms 6, Pan Macmillan
- Emily Rodda, The Key to Rondo, Omnibus Books
- Carole Wilkinson, Dragon Moon, Black Dog Books
Mejor cuento infantil (8-12 años)
- Luke Edwards, Ock Von Fiend, Omnibus Books
- Anna Fienberg & Barbara Fienberg, Tashi and The Mixed Up Monster, Allen & Unwin
- Marc McBride, World of Monsters, Scholastic Australia
- Briony Stewart, Kumiko and the Dragon, UQP
Fuente: www.aurealisawards.com
Aportado por Francisco Costantini
Más información:
Más noticias de Literatura en Axxón
Ganadores Premio UPC 2007
Premios Aurealis 2006