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Nominaciones 2009 a los premios de la British Science Fiction Asociation
Fue anunciada la lista completa de nominados al British Fantasy Award 2009. La votación está abierta hasta el 31 de mayo
La lista incluye todos los trabajos recomendados por los miembros de la British Fantasy Society y de la FantasyCon, y será reducida a una lista corta de
nominados después de esa fecha. Pueden votar todos los miembros de FantasyCon y de la BFS.
Mejor Antología
Cone Zero, editada por D.F. Lewis
Killers, editada por Colin Harvey
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 19, editada por Stephen Jones
Myth-Understandings, editada por Ian Whates
The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror, editada por Ian Alexander Martin
Subterfuge, editada por Ian Whates
Subtle Edens, editada por Allen Ashley
We Fade To Grey, editada por Gary McMahon
Mejor novela (Premio de Fantasía August Derleth)
The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowhead, de Paul Kane
The Amethyst Child, de Sarah Singleton
Black Glass, de John Shirley
The Burning Man, de Mark Chadbourn
Chaos Space, de Marianne De Pierres
Coffin County, de Gary A. Braunbeck
Couch, de Benjamin Parzybok
Dark Blood, de John Meaney
Dawn over Doomsday, de Jaspre Bark
Dingo, de Charles de Lint
Duma Key, de Stephen King
Escape from Hell!, de Hal Duncan
Everdead, de Rio Youers
Going Under, de Justina Robson
The Graveyard Book, de Neil Gaiman
The Gypsy Morph, de Terry Brooks
The Ice Crown, de Sean Beech
The Infected, de Michael McBride
Iron Kissed, de Patricia Briigs
The Kingdom Beyond the Waves, de Stephen Hunt
Last Argument of Kings, de Joe Abercrombie
The Last Watch, de Sergei Lukyanenko
Little Brother, de Cory Doctorow
Memoirs of a Master Forger, de William Heaney (a.k.a. Graham Joyce)
Midnight Man, de Simon Clark
Midnight Never Come, de Marie Brennan
Moontown, de Peter Atkins
Nation, de Terry Pratchett
The Night Sessions, de Ken MacLeod
The Painted Man, de Peter V. Brett
The Perils and Dangers of This Night, de Stephen Gregory
Rain Dogs, de Gary McMahon
Ravensoul, de James Barclay
The Reapers, de John Connolly
Ritual, de Mo Hayder
The Riven Kingdom, de Karen Miller
Small Favour, de Jim Butcher
Song of Time, de Ian MacLeod
The Summoning, de Kelley Armstrong
The Victoria Vanishes, de Christopher Fowler
Thieving Fear, de Ramsey Campbell
Vengeance Child, de Simon Clark
Victory Conditions, de Elizabeth Moon
Premio PS Mejor Pequeña Prensa
Beccon Publications
Cemetary Dance
Creative Guy Publications
Elastic Press
Immanion Press
Newcon Press
Pendragon Press
Screaming Dreams
Skullvines Press
TTA Press
Delirium Books
Mejor Colección
Bull Running for Girls, de Allyson Bird
Gleefully Macabre Tales, de Jeff Strand
How to Make Monsters, de Gary McMahon
Glyphotech, de Mark Samuels
Islington Crocodiles, de Paul Meloy
Coffin Nails, de John Probert
Just After Sunset, de Stephen King
Mythophidia, de Storm Constantine
Mama's Boy & Other Dark Tales, de Fran Friel
Secret Lives, de Jeff VanderMeer
Other Voices, de Andrew Humphrey
Mejor Novella
"1200 AM Live", de Brian Knight
"The City in These Pages", de John Grant
"Cold Stone Calling", de Simon Clark
"Crystal Nights", de Greg Egan
"The Enigma of Departure", de Nicholas Royle
"Gunpowder", de Joe Hill
"Heads", de Gary McMahon
"The Mill", de Mark West
"Miranda", de John R. Little
"The Narrows", de Simon Bestwick
"Overturned", de Neil Ayres & Aliya Whiteley
"Pride and Prometheus", de John Kessel
"Red", de Paul Kane
"The Reach of Children", de Tim Lebbon
"Reunion", de Paul Kane
"The School House", de Simon Bestwick
"The Shallow End of the Pool", de Adam-Troy Castro
"The Worst of all Possible Places", de David Riley
"Vault of Deeds", de James Barclay
Mejor Historia Corta
"A Chaos Demon Is For Life", de Paul Kane
"All Mouth", de Paul Meloy
"And Their Blood Will Be Prescient to Fire", de Freda Warrington
"The Caul Bearer", de Allyson Bird
"Chasing Waterfalls", de Andrew Hook
"Chill", de Gary McMahon
"Comus Of Central Park", de M. K. Hobson
"Cone Zero: page 33", de Kek-W
"Do You See", de Sarah Pinborough
"The Fantasy Jumper", de Will Macintosh
"Hanging On Her Every Word", de Ian Whates
"Heart Song", de Kim Lakin-Smith
"In the Howling of the Wind", de Marie O'Regan
"Jasmine", de Andrew Tisbert
"The Killing Fields", de Kim Lakin-Smith
"Lifelike", de Paul Kane
"The Mist of Lichthafen", de Seth Skorkowsky
"The Moth", de Neil Williamson
"N", de Stephen King
"Noble Deceit", de Juliet E. McKenna
"Owlspeak", de Storm Constantine
"Pinholes in Black Muslin", de Simon Strantzas
"The Pit", de Alexander Glass
"The Point of Oswald Masters", de Neil James Hudson
"Queen of the Sunlit", de Liz Williams
"Seaborne", de Kari Spelling
"The Ships Like Clouds Risen De Their Rain", de Jason Sanford
"The Suicide Room", de Paul Kane
"The Tobacconist's Concession", de John Travis
"The Vague", de Paul Meloy
"Wind Chimes", de Paul Kane
"Winter Journey", de Joel Lane
"Yin and Yang", de Paul Kane
Mejor Comic / Novela Gráfica
30 Days of Night: Beyond Barrow, de Steve Niles/Bill Sienkiewicz
All-Star Superman, de Grant Morrison/Frank Quitely
Angel: After the Fall, de Brian Lynch/Franco Urru
Birds of Prey: Dead of Winter, de Gail Simone/ Nicola Scott & Doug Hazelwood
Buffy Season Eight Vol. 2: No Future for You, de Brian K. Vaughan/Georges Jeanty
Buffy Season Eight Vol. 3: Wolves at the Gate, de Joss Whedon & Drew Goddard/ Georges Jeanty
Comic Book Tattoo Tales Inspired by Tori Amos, editada por Rantz A. Hoseley & Tori Amos/ Various
The Damned: Prodigal Sons, de Cullen Bunn/ Brian Hurtt
Fables: The Good Prince, de Bill Willingham/ Mark Buckingham
The Girly Comic Book 1, editada por Selina Lock
Hellblazer: Fear Machine, de Jamie Delano
Hellblazer: The Laughing Magician, de Andy Diggle/Leonardo Manco & Daniel Zezelj
Locke and Key, de Joe Hill/Gabriel Rodriguez
The New Avengers: Illuminati, de Brian Bendis & Brian Reed/Jim Cheung
Savage Sword of Conan: Vol. 2-4, de Roy Thomas/ John Buscema/Various
Shock Festival, de Stephen Romano/Various
X Factor: Heart of Ice, de Peter David/Khoi Pham
Zot! The Complete Black and White Collection, de Scott McCloud
Mejor Ilustrador
Jason Beam
Andy Bigwood
Vincent Chong
Les Edwards
Warwick Fraser-Coombe
David Gentry
Dave McKean
Edward Miller
Tom Moran
Christopher Nurse
Chris Riddell
Daniele Serra
Marge Simon
Simon Strantzas
Anne Sudworth
Lee Thompson
Hannah Walthers
Deena Warner
Mejor No-Ficción
Basil Copper: A Life in Books, de Stephen Jones
Brass Goggles
Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale, de Russell T. Davies & Benjamin Cook
Horror: The Book of Lists, editada por Amy Wallace, Del Howison, and Scott Bradley
journal.neilgaiman.com, de Neil Gaiman
"Mutant Popcorn," de Nick Lowe
Paris Review: Interviews Vol. 3, editada por Philip Gourevitch
sfdiplomat.blogs.com, de Jonathan McCalmont
What Is It We Do When We Read Science Fiction, de Paul Kincaid
Mejor Revista
Black Static
Cemetery Dance
The Dark Side
Death Ray
Dreamwatch presents Total Sci-Fi
McSweeney's Quarterly Concern
Midnight Street
Murky Depths
Shroud Magazine
Visionary Tongue
Mejor Televisión
Ashes to Ashes
Battlestar Galatica
Dead Set
Doctor Who
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
True Blood
Mejor Película
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Dark Knight
Death Race
Eden Lake
The Fall
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
In Bruges
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Iron Man
The Mist
The Orphanage
The Ruins
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Fuente: SF Site. Aportado por Graciela Lorenzo Tillard
Más información:
Más noticias de Literatura en Axxón
Ganadores de los premios BSFA
"Manzanas blancas" en La Factoría de Ideas
Ganadores 2008 de los British Fantasy Awards