Me llamo
Esteban Decker, vivo en Villa Ballester, Buenos Aires. Soy dibujante amateur y autodidacta.
Todavía no tengo autobiografía digna para escribir un libro o para hacer una película.
Enfrentarme al papel en blanco, discutir con los demonios que giran alrededor del lápiz
tratando de encender ese fuego eterno de la imaginación eso es lo que trato de expresar
en mis dibujos. Hago portadas para
que es una Web que se dedica a los fans ficción, para
y http://www.club-batman.blogspot.com/
que se dedican todo sobre Batman. La direccion de mi blog es:
Pedro Belushi, illustrator and scenarist. Has worked in various illustration and comics projects. Among his works, one can cite Melquiades y El Genio
(Scenario and drawings. Ed. Sulaco 2000) and Mighty Sixties (Scenario and drawings, with Carlos Vermut. Amaniaco Ed. 2001). Has done many
shows of his graphic works in the Circuito de Jóvenes Creadores of his community. Now collaborating with BEM on Line, Axxon and other SF reviews
with illustrations for stories and covers, as well as acenarios for other illustrators like Carlos Vermut, Nando, M. C. Carper or Pablo Espada (with whom he
has done Clon 27, one of the first serials on Internet). Has collaborated with Santiago Eximeno on projects like ¿Quién es el Cruciforme?, Ediciones Efímeras
or in designing table plays. a pedros2020@yahoo.es
Traslation: Georges Bormand, Born in 1950, on the 19th of august, in Paris, he has lived in the suburbs since then. Studies and now teacher of mathematics
since 1974; but, as can be told: "Fell in the Science-Fiction cooking pot when I was a baby". I've read hundreds of SF novels and thousands of stories. Having
found in 1995 a fan club, I have begun since this time to write critics, translations (from english and spanish to french, from french to english or spanish) and,
now, even stories. I don't know if I'll arrive to a novel, because it seemsd too difficult for me, but... who knows? bormandg@gmail.com